Join Us

We want to invite all Breast Cancer Survivors, Thrivers, and Support people to join
the Island Breaststrokers Dragon Boat team.

Welcome to 2025!!  

Are you a survivor/thriver ready to join in with our fun and fitness?  

 Email us to come and give it a try in the spring.  Never a bad day to jump in the boat with the Island Breaststrokers 🙂

Come out & practice with us ~ join us for a paddle on the Gorge!

OurPractices for Survivors and Thrivers 

Practices every Saturday: Practices will be held in Victoria on the Gorge below the Vic West Community Centre (you can see us warm up on the basketball court beside Vic West Centre.)  Saturdays  – Warm up @ 9 am – on the water at 9:30 am    Wednesdays (starting April 2)  – Warm up @ 5:00 pm – on the water at 5:30 pm

Fitness Classes      

        •  All team members are encouraged to keep fit with regular cross training workouts of their choice.

Learn about what we do:

      • Find out if it is something for you. But of course fun, fitness and friends must interest you?!?!
      • Paddling will challenge and recharge your body while promoting an active lifestyle in a positive and safe environment with skilled and dedicated coaches. Are you up for the challenge?.
      • Ask about the use of IBS equipment
      • Ask about how little it will cost you (assistance may be available)

  THERE’S never a bad time to join us. Just send an  email to us we can answer all your questions.

We were featured in this magazine in May 2021 – click here for article.

IslandBreaststrokers Dragon Boat Teamobjectives are:

        • promoting awareness of Breast Cancer through public outreach *
        • celebrating life through the pursuit of fitness and wellness*
        • providing hope and mutual support *
        • honouring the memory of those who have died of Breast Cancer *

**Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other…body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, WOO HOOO…. WHAT A RIDE!!!

Come cheer us on…
GO Island Breaststrokers!

What is DragonBoating?

        • A dragon boat is about 12 meters in length, with a dragon head at the front and a dragon tail at the back. The boat holds 20 paddlers, one drummer, and one steer-person. It is often divided into 3 sections: the Strokes, the Engine Room and the Rockets. Imagine these 20 paddlers, paddling in unison to the rhythm of the drum, striving to be the first to cross the finish line. Now imagine the energy and the roar from the audience, cheering and motivating their team onwards.
        • The drummer and steersperson have full command of the boat from the moment that they pull away from the shore. The most important command could be “hold the boat” especially in situations where the boat must be stopped immediately. From the shore it would appear that the drummer is the one who is setting the pace of the boat, but in fact it is the front two paddlers that set the pace, the drummer is just conveying that information to the rest of the boat. The drummer is key to encourage the paddlers in moments of fatigue and enforce any strategy the team has established to win the race. If the team gets out of sync, it will be the drummer who will help the team get back on track quickly!
        • A steersperson guides the boat from the back using a long 9 foot steering oar. Most steerspersons stand in the boat and use their bodies to brace themselves against the steering oar. When the paddlers all start to paddle full force, it can be quite a big jolt! Standing also allows vocal commands to be clearly projected down the boat. This higher advantage point lets the steer keep their eyes on the horizon line or a spot in the distance to focus on to help keep the boat straight.